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Tamsin Hollyman

Small Changes; Big Difference

Updated: Dec 12, 2020

Want to be kinder to the Earth but you aren’t sure how? You’re in the right place. For our first eco instalment we have 4 very simple swaps that will help you reduce your impact on our planet.

1. Re-usable cotton pads!

Most of us use these every. single. day. That heavenly feeling of taking your make up off is made eco-friendly when we ditch the single-use wipes and cotton pads. The alternatives are usually made of silky soft bamboo fibres, and are available in boots, Superdrug and on basically any sustainable living website. (Think All you have to do is throw them in with your laundry after use and they’ll come out good as new!

2. Cotton Tote bags

You definitely know what these are – but have you considered swapping that old plastic bag you use for your PE kit for one of these? They’re inexpensive, practical, and can even add some pizzaz to your outfit if you buy a colourful one. Getting into the habit of folding one of these up and putting it in the bottom of your school bag might only save you 50p, but it will certainly save the earth a whole lot more. Like most of these ideas, using a tote might not feel like you’re saving the world, but it’s the little things like these that add up to make enormous change.

3. Menstrual cups

Periods are different for everyone, so this one might not work for you – and that’s completely fine! We should never feel guilty for our bodies natural processes, but admittedly sanitary products can be pretty wasteful. If you feel this is something you’d be up for then here’s a link – why not give it a go?

4. Meat-free Mondays

We’re not suggesting that you turn completely vegetarian over night. But the bottom line is, science says that going veggie can help cut carbon emissions drastically (some reading on the topic linked below). Why not try doing one/a couple of days a week completely vegetarian if you don’t already? The trick is figuring out what is sustainable for you, and sticking to it! Even waving goodbye to your break time bacon roll one day a week could make a difference.

These are just 4 easy ways to be more planet-friendly, and there are many many more. The overall message is that the power is in your hands. We have a chance to reverse some of the damage we have already done to our planet and create a future for ourselves – but only if we act now.

We want to hear from you! send us your eco-friendly swaps via email- or dm us on Instagram @collegecloud and Twitter, @jcgcollegecloud

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