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Superior: The Return of Race Science (2019)- Angela Saini

This deeply insightful non-fiction book by Angela Saini is based around interviews with experts, the scientific consensus, and Saini’s analysis. It explores and argues how science

and biology are still to this day influenced by the discredited scientific racism theories of the 19th century, and how biological racism still prevails today. It explains how race is a relatively new concept and how racism became justified and linked to science. This is a must read to gain insight into the real truth behind the science.

Louis Theroux

As soon will be established, Louis Theroux is a large inspiration to me. His raw and honest documentaries provide all the evidence you need to understand why this man is - and I don’t use this word lightly - a legend.

Theroux’s documentaries span across continents and uncover all sorts of fascinating personalities. His stark British humour often stands in contrast to those who he learns to understand and uncover. Describing his aim of one of his Series -Weird Weekends as, “setting out to discover the genuinely odd in the most ordinary setting,” he followed marginal subcultures such as Black nationalists and porn stars, shining a light on their fascinating lives and beliefs in the most unequivocally perfect way.

The Last Czars - Netflix

This acutely accurate historical drama re-creates real-life events as closely as possible and draws on sources from at the time.

Taking the perspective of Nicholas II and the Romanov family, this drama tells the gut wrenching tale of the fall of the Romanov dynasty, founded in 1613, and the Bolshevik's destruction of the royal family.

For any Russian Revolution enthusiasts, this limited series paints a picture less drawn, and offers an interesting perspective into the personalities behind the cause of the Russian Revolution and the huge bloodshed that was to follow.

Three Women (2019)- Lisa Taddeo

This non-fiction debut book follows the lives of three women from different backgrounds and regions of the United States, uncovering their sexual and emotional lives, and how they are

affected by religion, sexual repression, and sexism in a raw and indisputably honest way.


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